Day 27: Thanksgiving


Today is a day of thanks, and turkey. As we attend all of our family gatherings, I realize I have so much to be thankful for. I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and clothes and shoes on my body. I have my family in my life, and we are a very close knit family, we do almost everything together. I’m blessed to have amazing friends and roommates and an awesome boyfriend. I have 150 furry black and white beauties that think I’m the best, and most of them are always willing to be petted and get a good ole head rub. I have two fluffy dogs who are always willing to brighten your day.


I’m so thankful that my parents chose to raise us in the lifestyle that they have. They showed us that faith and family always come first. They have taught us that life isn’t always fair but you have to make the best of it. The farm and cows have taught us that although some work is hard and tedious, the ending feeling of accomplishment is always worth all of the hours put in. I’m thankful that I know what it feels like to win the purple ribbons and the Champion titles, and know that I took care of my cow and helped get her to look good enough to receive the award.

Although on days like today, chores seem like a pain. Running home to feed and milk before returning to another family dinner isn’t the most practical, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m blessed to have all that I do in my life and to continue to be a part of the dairy industry.

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